Welcome to Care & Companions - Providing Homecare Choice
Seeking help at home?
Becoming frailer as the years pass, or if you have a long-term condition, coping at home can be a struggle. Looking after the house and garden, cooking, dealing with paperwork, bathing, washing, dressing, and getting out and about, may become more challenging.
Instead of struggling, or giving up the comforts and reassurances of living at home and moving into residential care, we offer you a solution. We help you find the right Caregiver who can support you (or your loved one) to continue living in your own home, or supported accommodation, as independently as possible.
How we can help
Care & Companions (C&C) is an Introductory Care Agency founded by qualified healthcare professionals, two nurses and a physiotherapist. With our wealth of experience we will help you select your perfect Caregiver, whether for yourself, a relative or a friend.
We will introduce you to a well-trained and fully screened, self-employed Caregiver who works for you directly, providing you with the help you need, the way you want it. They could live with you in your own home (Live-In), or visit as arranged between you and your Caregiver – you decide what’s best.
Greater choice for Care-seekers
Choose your Caregiver
Choose from live-in care, hourly visits, or overnight care
Choose what you would like help with
The C&C team are available for advice and support and will be in regular contact to ensure you are happy with your care arrangements
Greater choice for Caregivers
Choose your working hours to suit your lifestyle
Choose who you work with
Choose your own rates and where you work
The C&C team are available for advice and support and will be in regular contact to ensure you are happy with your care arrangements