A real alternative to moving into a residential care home:
Struggling to cope at home, loneliness and the worry of having a fall or becoming suddenly unwell, are examples of why you might consider giving up a home full of familiarity, treasured possessions and memories, and moving into residential care.
But there is another way – live-In Care through C&C. With a live-in Caregiver you or your loved one can continue enjoying the comforts and reassurance of home, whilst receiving any needed support. With C&C Live-In Care you choose the fully screened and trained Caregiver who will suit you best, enabling you to maintain your independence to its absolute maximum.
Additional benefits include:
- Keeping your routines.
- Having the privacy which your home provides.
- Continuing with hobbies, interests and clubs in your local community.
- Maintaining relationships and family life – seeing friends and family in a relaxed and familiar environment for everyone.
- And, you’re able to keep your much loved pets and your Caregiver will assist with looking after them if needed.
Things to think about when considering C&C Live-In Care:
- You will need a spare room in your house to accommodate your Caregiver.
- The cost of care is generally cheaper in comparison to a single room in a residential care home in a similar location, however, if waking care is needed more than twice in the night, an additional carer will be required.
- Live-in care for couples is also available through C&C, with all the benefits described above and considerably reduced costs compared to residential care.